Give new life to old jewellery

Give new life to old jewellery

We all have those jewellery pieces that we just don't get around to wearing. They end up sitting there collecting dust or being forgotten about. Whether it' because they no longer fit your style, are damaged or are just old, there are many reasons why we stop reaching for our jewellery. Perhaps it's time to breathe new life into them! Here are four ways to transform your old jewellery into something fresh and exciting.


One way to revive your old jewellery is by getting it remodeled. This involves making small changes to the design to update its look. You can add new gemstones, change the setting, or alter the shape to give it a modern twist. By remodeling your jewellery, you can create a piece that feels brand new while still holding sentimental value of the original piece. This works great for giving heirloom pieces that have become a bit dated a second life, turning something you'd never wear into an everyday staple.

Embellish the Design

If your old jewellery is still in good condition but lacks that wow factor that makes you excited to wear it, consider embellishing the design. Take it to a jeweller who can add intricate details, engraving, or other work to enhance its beauty. By adding embellishments, you can breathe new life into your jewellery and make it stand out in a crowd. Or, if you don't know what it needs but feel like it needs that little something extra to make it stand out, consider consulting a reputable jeweller who can offer design insight. This is also an ethical way to upgrade your jewellery collection because instead of throwing away pieces that are no longer worn, you "up-cycle" into something new.

Change the Type of Jewellery

Another way to give your old jewellery a fresh look is by changing its type. For example, if you have a pendant that doesn't quite do it for you anymore, consider transforming it into a ring or if you have a bracelet with a beautiful charms but feel like it never works with your outfits, consider turning it into an elegant pair of earrings. By repurposing elements of your jewellery to be used in different types of jewellery, you can create a unique piece that suits your current style preferences but still uses the same jewellery you once loved.


If you're feeling bold and want a completely new piece of jewellery, consider remaking your old pieces. This involves having the metal (i.e. gold or silver) from your jewellery melted down and any other elements, like gemstones, collected to create something ENTIRELY new. Whether you want to create a custom ring, earrings, or pendant, remaking your old jewellery allows you to start fresh and create a one-of-a-kind piece. This is ideal when you have a few gold pieces that are either damaged or just old that you can collate together to melt down into one new piece.


Don't let your old jewellery pieces gather dust any longer. By remodeling, embellishing, changing, or remaking your pieces, you can give them new life and create pieces that you'll love to wear again.

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